Artificial Intelligence: The Great Disruptor That Will Aid Both Agencies and Clients Alike

With the explosive growth of artificial intelligence, and more specifically generative AI, drastically affecting the advertising ecosystem, it promises to revolutionize the way creative work is conceived, executed, and optimized.

The Reality of Generative AI

While some may fear that generative AI will replace human creativity, the reality is quite the opposite. AI stands poised to support and enhance the capabilities of creative agencies which will only help their clients by unlocking new levels of innovation and efficiency. With such a dizzying array of design, analytical, and language assistance tools at marketers’ disposal it can be difficult to see the forest through the trees and understand the true value these tools provide to both the makers (agencies) and buyers (clients).

The Benefits of Using AI

While we’ve seen many copywriters, content developers, and designers across our industry wringing their hands over the impending doom that AI presents, we see the future in a vastly different light. We see these tools not as competitors but as solutions that allow us to become smarter, faster, and better at providing custom solutions for each and every client. These tools will not remove the human from the equation, they will help humans be more efficient, better predict future outcomes, and speed up the process of understanding the true impact of messages. So why is this beneficial to marketers? It’s simple really:

  1. Efficiency = Time Savings. Time Savings = Money Savings. We’ve all heard the saying “time is money.” The saying continues to prove itself true in this arena. AI will reduce costs over time to end buyers.
  2. Hyper-Speed Analysis will allow for smarter (better) creative choices up front. Better, more resonant creative will deliver stronger, more effective advertising thus improving ongoing ROI.
  3. Real-Time Performance Analysis Will Prove Value Quicker. Machine-learning’s ability to process vast amounts of data and various AI tools make it easier for humans to perform these analyses. This will help us to optimize performance much quicker than before, ultimately adding up to further increases in ROI.

A marble statue is surrounded by neon digital lines shaped like the statue
Perhaps the most important benefit of AI for marketers is how it allows us to re-invest time and mental energy into the core process of deepening our understanding of the consumer and their methods of making decisions. At Crawford, our calling card is the belief that understanding how consumers make decisions is at the very heart of effective communications, and we help leaders lead by empowering them through that knowledge and insight.

The true art in advertising and marketing is in the ability to really understand the mind of the consumer and translate that understanding into effective messaging. AI generators will save time and deliver stronger work which will free up time to further understand consumers’ mindsets, needs, and motivators. The result is more powerful and effective communication efforts.

AI Resources to Check Out