Effectively Communicating During a Merger or Acquisition: Top 10 Communication Tactics to Leverage

Decision making plays a critical role in our personal lives and our careers. What company do I want to work for? Where do I want to shop? Which bank do I want to use? And so on.

When a significant change, like a company merger or acquisition, is happening, employee and customer decision making can be impacted. Effective communications with both internal and external audiences can be crucial for business success.

Certain types of communication materials are well-suited to serve as the backbone of a smooth transition and successful integration, while also sharing the compelling ‘whys’ behind the decision to merge or acquire. Clear and concise communication through the right mediums can mitigate confusion and ease employee and customer concerns during what can be an uncertain or stressful time.

A computer graphic shows technology and a puzzle piece to signify communication strategy

Here are the top 10 internal and external communication tactics that will help your organization navigate this complex yet important process.

Internal Communication Materials
It is important to implement a communication strategy that clearly and concisely informs employees and internal stakeholders in both organizations of the news first. This fosters trust and engagement, keeps motivation and productivity high, and enables employees to serve as front line advocates for the merger or acquisition. When it comes to communicating internally, always consider the following:

    1. Internal Memo, E-blasts, Newsletters, and/or Bulletins allow for timely, long-form content to be communicated directly and efficiently to internal employees.
    2. Intranet Banners and/or Screensavers serve as short-form, constant reminders that reinforce key messages within the organization. Some examples of this can include work room displays, breakroom screens, or data boards for office personal.
    3. Flyers, Banners, and/or Posters offer a tangible way to reach employees across various locations and provide a physical presence that is hard to ignore.
    4. Employee Talking Points inform and empower employees to communicate clearly and confidently to customers and teammates about the changes being made.

External Communication Materials
Equally important is your communication with your external stakeholders, constituents, and consumers. You must help them understand what to expect, why the transition is happening and when, next steps and actions required, and, most importantly, eases any anxieties they may have. This encourages a smoother transition, manages perceptions, and takes the customers’ feelings and concerns into account. When it comes to communication externally, consider these first:

    1. Media Kits, including materials like news release(s), a fact sheet, FAQs, etc., helps provide a comprehensive, curated set of information to encourage consistent and accurate communication to the press and public.
    2. Website Updates, like a homepage banner, merger or acquisition specific landing page, etc., help ensure both internal and external stakeholders have access to current and accurate information, maintaining professionalism and transparency. Also, consider pop up windows and banner alerts for time sensitive information or critical updates with an immediate impact (i.e. system integrations, access limitations, blackout periods, etc.).
    3. Organic Social Media Content can play a key role in shaping public perception and maintaining transparent communication while also building a more personal sense of community and inclusivity.
    4. Paid Advertising in digital and traditional media ensure a targeted delivery of key messages to relevant audiences.
    5. Exterior Signage and Lobby Notices help visibly communicate the changes taking place and provides a tangible representation of the merged entities. This can help in building brand recognition and cohesion among stakeholders too.
    6. Welcome Letters & Flyers can provide more detailed information, outline specific dates or actions required, and give customers added confidence to make the right decisions and take the right steps.

During mergers and acquisitions, effective communication strategies are critical. Not only do they help keep stakeholders informed, engaged, and aligned, but they can also limit customer attrition by earning and building trust.